EOF Applications

Students interested in the EOF program must complete ONE of the applications below:

Required documentation:

  1. Source(s) of Income for 2022 of Parent and/or Student
    1. IRS Tax Return Transcript or IRS 1040 for the tax year 2022
    1. Yearly benefits total for 2022 (i.e., SSI, Welfare, Disability, Unemployment, etc.)
  2. High School Transcript or Diploma

Important Notes…

  • Space is limited. Applicants will not be considered until the submission of all requested documents.
  • Upon submission of all requested documents, your application will be reviewed by a committee for interview consideration.
  • If selected for an interview, you will be called or emailed for an interview with an EOF Advisor.
  • If you have any questions, please call the EOF office at (908) 709-7088 or email us at EOF@fatemeeting.com.